Protection of the Rights of Foreign Crew Members Employed Overseas by Taiwan’s Distant Water Fishing Vessels
- 修改時間
- 109年11月09日
- 點閱率
- 1013
- 內容
Protection of the Rights of Foreign Crew Members Employed Overseas by Taiwan’s Distant Water Fishing Vessels
I. “Regulations on the Authorization and Management of Overseas Employment of Foreign Crew Members” became effective on January 20, 2017, in which relevant regulations on protecting the rights of foreign crew members are prescribed as follows:
(一) 保障外籍船員每月薪資不得低於450美元。
1. The monthly wage of a foreign crew member shall not be less than 450 US Dollars.
(二) 船東應為每位外籍船員投保意外、醫療及一般身故保險,一般身故保險金額不得低於新臺幣100萬元或等值外幣。
2. The distant water fisheries operator shall insure for the foreign crew member the accident, medical and life insurance, and the insured amount of the life insurance shall not be less than one million New Taiwan Dollars or equivalent amount in foreign currency.
(三) 船員每日休息時間不應低於10小時,每月休息不應低於4日,但為作業需要,經雙方約定,可另安排補休。
3. The foreign crew member shall have not less than ten hours of rest per day and not less than four days off per month. In consideration of fishing operation, compensatory leave(s) may be arranged in accordance with the agreement between the employer and the employee.
(四) 薪資全額直接給付給外籍船員,但法令另有規定或勞雇雙方另有約定者,不在此限。
4. The wage shall be paid fully and directly by the distant water fisheries operator to the foreign crew member, unless the law or regulations provided otherwise or other agreement being reached between the employer and employee
(五) 船東應確保外籍船員於船上享有同職務之相同福利及勞動保護。
5. To ensure any foreign crew member onboard enjoys the benefits and labor protection equivalent to those of the same post.
(六) 船東不得使所僱外籍船員於其他漁船或處所工作,或從事其他與漁業無關之勞動。
6. The distant water fisheries operator shall ensure any employed foreign crew member not to work on other fishing vessel(s) or premises, or engage in other labor unrelated to fisheries.
(七) 漁船無法繼續作業時,船主應將僱用之外籍船員送返。
7. In case that the fishing vessel cannot continue fishing activities, the distant water fisheries operator shall repatriate the employed foreign crew member(s).
II. The Fisheries Agency will inspect whether distant water fisheries operators have complied with relevant contracts.
(一) 由派駐在我漁船主要進出國外港口之人員,針對進港漁船之外籍船員,了解有無被虐待情形及是否遭不當苛扣薪資。
1. Personnel posted at major foreign ports for Taiwan’s distant water fishing vessels will inquire foreign crew members on board the fishing vessel entering into the port to see if there’s abuse or improper wage docking.
(二) 於公海登檢時,瞭解我國籍漁船所僱之外籍船員是否有被虐待或遭不當苛扣薪資情形。
2. When conducting high seas boarding and inspection on fishing vessels of our flag, relevant inquiries will be made to see if there’s abuse or improper wage docking on foreign crew members.
(三) 國內機動派員前往國內外港口進行卸魚或轉載抽檢時,了解外籍船員有無被虐待或遭不當苛扣薪資情形。
3. Personnel randomly dispatched to domestic or foreign ports for inspections on landing or transshipment will inquire foreign crew members to see if there’s abuse or improper wage docking.
III. Complaint mechanism and dispute settlement:
(一) 外籍船員有關勞資爭議、遭受不當對待或人身侵害等申訴,可透過勞動部1955勞工申訴諮詢專線(國外可撥打:+886-2-8073-3141)提出。
1. Any foreign crew member that wishes to file complaint may contact via 1955, the 24-hour Counseling and Protection Hotline, (please dial +886-2-8073-3143 when abroad).
(二) 在國外亦可透過我國駐外館處或透過我國派遣之觀察員及駐外專員等管道提出。
2. Complaints may also be filed through our overseas embassies and missions; through observers dispatched by Taiwan Government; or through staff stationed abroad.