中文摘要 |
美洲大赤魷(Dosidicus gigas)廣泛分布於東太平洋之北緯40度與南緯47度間。東太平洋的沿岸國家(秘魯、墨西哥),自1970年代起即有漁獲紀錄,年產量皆在1萬公噸以下。在1990-2005年美洲大赤魷的平均年漁獲量為240,610噸;其中以秘魯最高(平均59,700噸),佔24.8%;其次為墨西哥(平均53,600噸),佔22.3%;臺灣(平均22,600噸)則佔9.4%。臺灣2002-2006年的年漁獲量為12,000-39,000公噸,每單位努力漁獲量(CPUE)為8.8-13.4 (tons/vessel/day)。本研究應用地理資訊系統分析美洲大赤魷的時、空間分布型式,並探討此變動與環境變數的可能關係。 由漁獲統計資料(2002-2006)計算美洲大赤魷之CPUE值(ton/vessel/day),並依月別統整成0.5度方格的資料。整體而言,我國得主要作業月份為5-10月,歷年的月別CPUE變化並無一致的樣式,但有逐年增加的現象。由月別的空間分布圖顯示,在主要作業漁期(5-10月),美洲大赤魷似有逐漸往北移動的現象,而在秘魯海域有往岸邊移動的趨勢。分析月別海水溫度(船測)與CPUE之相關性,於主要作業漁期之6-8月,魷魚資源量與SST為顯著負相關。雖然魷魚資源量與SST間的真正關係目前尚難以決定,但區域SST的變動可能反映東太平洋表層海水的變動,並影響魷魚的分布。 |
英文摘要 |
The jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas, is a pelagic ommastrephid squid and is distributed in the eastern Pacific ranged from 40oN to 47oS. The fishery for jumbo flying squid started in the early 1970s with annual catch almost below 10,000 tons. The average annual catch for jumbo flying squid reached 240,610 tons during 1990~2005, by which Peru accounted for 24.8% of total catch, Mexico accounted for 22.3% of total catch. Among this, catch by Taiwan squid fishery was 22,600 tons which accounted for 9.4% of total catch. The annual catch of jumbo flying squid ranged 12,000 to 39,000 for Taiwan squid fishery during 2002-2006, and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) ranged 8.8 to 13.4 tons vessel-1 day-1 for the same speriod.
The spatiotemporal distribution patterns of jumbo flying squid abundance and relationships between squid abundance and environmental variables in the Southeast Pacific was analysed using geographical information system and statistical methods. The abundance of squid was estimated from monthly commercial catch per unit effort (CPUE) in 0.5 degree spatial resolution from 2002 to 2006. In general, the fishery operated from May to October. The monthly CPUE showed an increase trend in 5 years, while no consistent pattern can be concluded in each year. The monthly distribution patterns of squid abundance showed a northward movement during May-October. Local squid abundance shows a negative correlation with SST during June-August, though it is difficult to determine if this reflects any causal link. The possible influence of variability of surface oceanographic condition on squid recruitment abundance needs more data for further analysis. |