- 修改時間
- 109年11月21日
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- 1222
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年度 2006 計劃名稱 立體式養殖系統研發與應用 中文摘要 本計畫的目標是研發蝦苗的立體化中間育苗技術,配合土池做兩階段養殖,改善土池養蝦的疾病問題,提高產量和產值。過去已研發高密度循環水道式立體化養蝦系統,其關鍵技術是以低能源維持水道的水流、無阻礙的立體分層、溶氧分布均勻,以及能持續吸出沈底的粒子,包括糞便、殘餌、蝦殼和死蝦等均能快速由系統排除而不污染水質。本年度繼續改良白蝦中間育成技術、試驗斑節蝦和草蝦的中間育成、研發斑節蝦過冬保溫技術,並進行兩階段養殖試驗。本年度白蝦育成試驗養殖密度3,900尾/m2,養殖時間35天,平均重量約0.26 g,平均存活率約86.3%,平均FCR約1.0。斑節蝦育成試驗養殖密度1,400尾/m2,養殖50天,平均體重約0.33 g,平均存活率約88%,平均FCR約2.6。草蝦育成試驗證實草蝦可在循環水道系統內順利成長兩個月以上。新的垂直式立體化的效果不明顯。新的蝦池保溫技術可提高蝦池溫度約0.6-0.8 ℃,成本約14元/m2。本年度試驗清除淤泥對養殖的影響,發現僅清除淤泥不足以保證養殖成功。以本年度的養殖密度計算,傳統土池只要利用1/40-1/100的土地興建循環水道式養殖池,在循環水道式養殖池養殖蝦苗,即可節省土池養殖一半的時間,每年增加一個產季。 英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to develop three-dimensional intensive shrimp juvenile production system based on previously developed circular raceways technology. The system maintains water circulation in the raceway using a propeller with low energy input. A patented suction device could continuously remove settled particles in the raceway and maintain water quality. White shrimp juveniles stocked at 3900/m2 reached 0.26 g in 35 days with survival rate of 86.3% and FCR of 1.0. Kuluma shrimp stocked at 1400/m2 reached 0.33 g in 50 days with survival rate of 88% and FCR of 2.6. Black tiger shrimp juveniles were successfully reared in the system for more than 60 days. The vertical experiment does not show significant benefits. A novel heat reservation technology is developed which could raise the temperature by about 0.6~0.8 C at a cost of about NT 14/m2. The results will be of use to the development of new culturing practices. 計畫編號 95農科-7.1.3-漁-F1(1)