- 修改時間
- 109年11月21日
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- 687
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年度 2008 計劃名稱 宜蘭灣海域海洋生物多樣性及漁業資源永續利用之研究 中文摘要 2008年6月至11月龜山島周邊海域拖網主漁獲及下雜漁獲群聚結構,多數種類之生殖與主要攝食週期發生在每年夏天,個體最為肥滿的季節是在秋天,顯示本區生物資源的最佳開發季節應在秋季。進行4次海上採樣,共計採得1,251尾仔稚魚分屬於58科109taxa。各航次主要優勢種分別佔全部測站總數的17.88%、11.05%與13.87%。海底熱泉與鄰近地區的生物組成,差異度高達72.5%。龜山島熱泉區已相繼發現有6種特有的世界新種海洋生物。 英文摘要 In this study, 1,251 individuals of larval fish were collected in December of 2007, April and August of 2008. From the result of species identification, there have 109 taxa belonging to 58 families in this study.The first dominant species were Gonostoma gracile, which occupied 17.88%, 11.05% and 13.87% of the total sample in each cruises, respectively.Data analysis using Primer 6.1.5 revealed a very high dissimilarity of 72.5% in the fauna between the stations from vent and adjacent areas 計畫編號 97農科-11.2.1-漁-F1(1)