- 修改時間
- 109年11月21日
- 點閱率
- 707
- 內容
年度 2008 計劃名稱 漁船用吸附式製冷機之設製 中文摘要 在實驗室實驗之數據顯示在製冷劑流量約40 cc/min時,其製冷空間可成功達到冷度7.4 ℃;至於實船測試方面,因天候不佳無法出海,只能在港內測試,導致結果吸附循環系統效能不盡理想,僅達到14 ℃。 英文摘要 In the lab-scale experiment, the cooling space could reach at 7.4℃ as the flow rate of cooling medium was about 40 cc/min. In the case of real fishery-boat test, the temperature in the cooling space was only attained at 14℃. The test result was not targeted to the predefined valued because the test was executed inside the harbor under bad weather conditions. 計畫編號 97農科-15.3.1-漁-F1(8)