- 修改時間
- 109年11月21日
- 點閱率
- 826
- 內容
年度 2009 計劃名稱 海洋漁獲低溫拍賣系統建立與作業規範擬定之研究 中文摘要 本計畫調查產地及消費地魚市場作業現況,評估未來建置低溫拍賣動線需求分析,作為規劃低溫衛生管理規範之依據,並提供為未來魚市場改建的評估審查指標,在經過實地的評估後,提出我國初期能夠推動低溫拍賣系統的優先實施地點。 英文摘要 In this study, comprehensive surveys?are conducted to cover all fish auction markets around the island, including fishing vessel landing-sites and metripolitian areas from which the hardware and software, as well as the sanitary SOP, requirements for establishing low-temperature auction system?are?proposed. The preferred sites for this establishing these systems are also?analyzed and identified. 計畫編號 98農科-10.3.2-漁-F3(1)