- 修改時間
- 109年11月20日
- 點閱率
- 876
- 內容
年度 2006 計劃名稱 台灣沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業資源動態與漁場之評估 中文摘要 (1) 調查統計本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁船各噸級別及漁具別之漁船數。 (2) 探究本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業作業漁場之時空分布。 (3) 究明本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業之漁獲魚種組成及其漁獲量與漁獲努力量之變動特性。 (4) 探究本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業主要漁獲魚種之資源分布生態特性。 1. 掌握本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業之發展趨勢。 2. 使本省沿近海燈火、?鱙及中小型拖網漁業由開放捕撈型轉變為資源管理型漁業之目標邁進。 英文摘要 (1) to investigate the number of fishing vessels of the light fishery, larval anchovy fishery, and small-medium trawling fishery by their tones and fishing gear. (2) to analyze time-spatial distribution of the fishing grounds of the three fisheries. (3) to analyze main fish species and their resources of the three fisheries. (4) to analyze ecological characters and distribution of the main fish species of the three fisheries. 1. to figure out the trends of the three fisheries' development. 2. to promote the three fisheries' management towards resource management model. 計畫編號 95農科-14.3.2-漁-F2(2)