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Press Release

No Enforcement Gap in Far Distant Oceans Press Conference on Port Departure of Patrol Boat and Team Forming of more than 100 Observers 2017-08-31
Visitors at the Japan international Seafood & Technology Expo Were Fascinated with Taiwan’s Premium Aquatic Products Especially Groupers and Tilapia 2017-08-23
Taiwan and EU High-level Meeting on Combating IUU Fishing signals Law Enforcement Crucial to Removal of Yellow Card Status 2017-05-19
Taiwan Signed Fisheries Cooperation Agreements with Tuvalu and Nauru 2017-02-07
Government Continues to Safeguard Fishermen’s Interests in the South China Sea 2016-08-23
Taiwan-Philippines Fishery Pact Creates New Opportunity for Fishery Enterprises to Expand Overseas Market 2015-12-12
Alleged violations from F/V Shuen De Ching No.888, escorted by Taiwan patrol vessel for sailing back to Taiwan for further investigation and punishment 2015-09-21
Strategy Plan for Auditing the Trading Companies (Agents) of Fish and Fisheries Products 2015-03-12
National Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity 2014-10-22
Catch Fish, not Bird, Achievements on Seabird Bycatch Mitigation 2014-06-12
The South Korea’s Channel A TV station posted the clarifying text of Taiwan’s tilapia on its official website and further clarified this issue in the TV 2013-11-29
The Fisheries Agency will actively assist the industry to visit South Korea for clarification on the incident and promotion of the products of Taiwan Tilapia 2013-11-25
Taiwan industry and government pulling together to promote Taiwan Tilapia in Korea 2013-11-25
Fisheries Agency of Taiwan seriously condemns a South Korea TV show for implying Taiwan Tilapia as poor quality by combining irrelevant individual cases 2013-11-07
Export of groupers to China continuous to increase; government is actively creating new markets. 2012-12-27
Please report immediately in case of conflict with Chinese fishing boats. 2012-12-27
The 2nd Pacific Allies Observers Training Program II closed with success. 2012-12-27
Regional management and cooperation in eel fisheries - a step towards President’s goals set forth in “The East China Sea Peace Initiative.” 2012-12-27
Taiwan becomes a member of the “South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization”; fishing rights on South Pacific Ocean secured. 2012-12-27
Fishermen’s rational and peaceful appeal for fishing rights at Diaoyutai fishing grounds receives affirmative response. 2012-12-27
Total 5 pages, total 86 items.