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coefficient of consanguinity 共親係數  
coefficient of consanguinity 共親係數  
coefficient of determination 決定係數  
coefficient of inbreeding 近親(配種)係數  
coefficient of kinship 共親係數  
coefficient of kinship 共親係數  
coefficient of relationship 血緣係數  
coefficient of selection 選拔係數  
coefficient of variability 變異係數  
coefficient of variation 變異係數  
coeliotomy 剖腹術;開腹術  
coenzyme 輔每  
coextrusion 共擠壓  
cofactor 輔助因子;餘因子﹝數學﹞  
coferment 輔每  
coffee milk 咖啡牛乳  
coffee whitener (咖啡)奶精  
coffin bone 蹄骨  
coffin joint 蹄關節  
cognition 認知  